Monday, August 26, 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Maths for CIT

Lesson 1. Scope of what we’re doing.
Short history of numbers.
Patterns in numbers.
Random numbers. Generating random numbers in Excel using RND() and RNDBETWEEN()
Eg 1,2,3
Visualising patterns
Linear graphs and others.
Factors, multiples, divisor. The MOD function in Excel.
LCM GCD  functions in Excel.

Project. Create a stand-alone web page that illustrates some part of the history of numbers. It should have at least 5 pictures and contain tables, lists and a small form. (You do not have to use the results of the form.) A total of 10 different tags should be used.  Be prepared to talk to the class about your page. Think about colour, layout, style, tone, grammar  and spelling. This is worth 5% of the final assessment. Due Monday 2nd September 5pm.

2)Write a spreadsheet which graphs y=3*x from x=0 to x=20.

3)Also do y = x+4, y=x-2, y=2*x, y=2*x + 1, y = 3*x, y= 3*x +2, y= 3*x – 2, y= 5*x, y = 100*x, y = -2*x.

Generate a list 200 random numbers between 0 and 100 using RANDBETWEEN()
Add up the numbers in your list. What is the average number? Can you work out how to graph this list.

5) Do the same as above but this time use600  random numbers between 1 and 6. This is simulation for dice. Use COUNTIF() to count the number of 1’s, 2’s, … 6’s thrown . Copy your results into a HTML table for your blog and add a sentence about what’s in the table. What were you expecting?

6) Repeat, but this time simulate 1000 tosses of a coin. (So you just want a big list or 0,s and 1,s). Write up your results in the same way.

7) Make a list of 100 random numbers between 0 and 100. Add them up and divide by 100 to give you the average. You can recalculate several times by pressing F9. Put in your blog three different averages with a suitable sentence.

8) Same as 7 but this time use 1000 numbers between 0 and 100. Your averages should be a bit closer to 50.

9) Make a list of 1000 random numbers and beside each number calculate the remainder when divided by 5 by using =MOD(number,5). Draw a graph of your results and put into your blog with a suitable message.

10) Same as 9 but this time test divisibility by 4 and by 6 in two extra columns. Graph and blog your results.

11) List all the factors of 12. Repeat for 13, 14, and 15. Which of the last 4 numbers is prime?

12) If there was a random number in A2 that was less than 100, how could I test whether it was prime or not using the =MOD() function. You don't have to do it, just say what you would do.

13) This site has a list of the first 64K primes in Excel format. Download and find a way of displaying all or some of this list in your blog.

14) Do a Google seacrh for some prime number sites, list 3 and then inert 4 prime number displays that look interesting. I quite liked the diagram here.

15) Find out what these words mean and give examples in your blog. Factor, multiple, prime, least common multiple, greatest common divisor, composite and twin prime.

16) Write a sentence about how each of these Excel functions work: MOD(), LCM(), GCD(), ROMAN(), INT().

17) Standard form. Have a look at this site and put the following numbers into standard form:
  123    56    14,300   31.4    3.1415.

18) If I had a random number in cell A2, how could I get it into standard form using Excel functions. (Hint: check out formatting of cells. Another name for standard form is "scientific" notation.

19) Write a paragraph in your blog explaining how the Sieve of Eratosthanes works. Construct a table that shows the Sieve and write down the first 20 prime numbers. If possible use colour and fonts to show the number patterns.

20) Areas. Circles. Have a go at these problems on areas of circles.Take a screen shot of the page and put into your blog.

21) Find a web page that deals with Pi. Take a screen shot of one that interests you.

22) What does Excel say that Pi is?

23) Construct a cell in Excel that gives a random radius between 0 and 10. Beside it calculate the area of a circle with that radius.

24) Write a blog post that illustrates the area of a rectangle. You'll need a diagram, formula and explanation.

25) Repeat 24 for the area of a triangle.

26) Repeat 24 for the area of a circle.

27) Squares and square roots. You should be able to do the task sheet in this site mostly without a calculator. Check your answers and put a screen shot of the site into your blog.

28) How does Pythagoras theorem work. Give a diagram with an example of how you work it out.

29) Some people learn maths from You Tube. Here is a quick clip on Pythagoras theorem . Write a quick comment on this and put links into your blog for two more sites that you liked that explain Pythagoras theorem. Write a quick comment on why you liked your two sites.

29.1) Check out the site where you can search for numbers inside pi. Here it is. Take a screen shot of the page when it tells you where your telephone number is in pi.

Random Numbers

random plots

Some excellent visualisations of numbers This one is for prime number visualisation.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Some deep number issues

Some numbers make a pattern.

  • x  y
  • 1  1
  • 2  2
  • 3  3 
  • 4  4
  • 5  5

Some numbers are random

The sieve of Eratosthanes

Some we have to check for patterns

There are all sorts of ways to generate (pseudo) random numbers.

Number systems

Current systems

Some older systems

One to one correspondence came first.

Monday, August 12, 2013

HTML lab. Due Friday 16 August 5pm.

21. Make a web page that is called Student Life in Dunedin. Give it a heading, some original text, a table and at least two pictures. It should contain too at least three different formatting tags.

Monday, August 5, 2013

What's the main problem with Internet Explorer?

Below is a site that tries to explain why IE is so unpopular with some people. Read over what is in this site and do the associated task.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The best browser is ....?

Have a look at this site ( the best browser is ..) and do the associated task. This has made some people review their favorite browser.